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Empowerment- Personal Development Coaching

Be Empowered is an investment in yourself, and becoming self aware is the key to living an empowered life! Be Empowered is a client driven process that will inspire you to become an active participant in creating the life you want. This process will stimulate your imagination as you visualize what you want, set realistic goals, and follow through with action steps that are in alignment with the specific goals you have set. At the end of each session, you will be another step closer to creating the life you desire.

You will choose an area of the life wheel as your primary focus, and your guide will act as your partner in transformation, using solution based approaches and motivational techniques that are specific to your needs. In this process, your guide will support you as you create actions steps, and hold you accountable for completing the steps that are in alignment with your goals. 

Image by Benjamin Davies

Ask yourself am I…

Sick and tired of making excuses and blaming others for the circumstances of my life?

Ready to surrender my victim story? 

Willing to take responsibility for my choices? 

Open to embracing a positive vision of myself and my life?

How it works

Empowered and taking personal responsibility for the outcome of your life, your life becomes easier and more pleasurable because you are consciously creating your life as opposed to reacting to life based on subconscious habits that you have become familiar with.


Three virtual sessions per month


Session last approximately 1 hour, with follow up by email and text messaging. 


Client will choose an area from the life wheel to focus on during the module; this will allow the client an opportunity to experience success in a specific area of their life. 


Areas of Life Wheel include - Work/career, money/finances, body/health, primary relationships, family/friends, spiritual development, home/surroundings, fun/relaxation.   

Discover how I can serve you.

Dermatology Consultation

Be Transformed

Embracing Your Shadow is a transformative process that reveals your life’s blueprint, allowing you to discover the brilliance that is hidden in the shadows.

Couple Meditating
Complete Relaxation

Be Healed

Energy Healing is a holistic noninvasive process that helps in activating the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blocks.

Buddhist Singing Bowl

“Self-Empowered comes from a place that is connected to your Higher Being and draws power from that place. When you find and make this connection, you will turn your power switch on, and you will be unstoppable.”

— Deborah Oronzio

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The practitioners at Fate Into Destiny Wellness Center are certified to practice and/or teach within their particular modalities. The staff does not claim to be medical professionals or claim to cure any medical conditions. Holistic and alternative care can be complementary to any traditional treatment plan.

Book your Complimentary Wellness Consultation

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